Classroom Visits

The Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center welcomes visitors into classrooms to observe its practice in action.  To ensure a normal day for SEEC classrooms, and a worthwhile experience for visitors, we ask that interested parties fill out a SEEC Visitor Request Form and send it to Once the form is received, a SEEC team member will be in contact to discuss dates, options, and other important details. All visits are subject to classroom availability.


While you are visiting, we encourage you to engage with the children and teachers at times that will not impede the classroom schedule or safety.  Please also be mindful that visitors are not permitted to lift children at any time, and should not engage in any direct care needs such as feeding. Visitors are not permitted to take photos of the children, unless expressly cleared with an administrator.


We can accommodate any accessibility needs.  Please let us know how best to support you on the visitor interest form.


Groups of four or more are welcome to observe SEEC classrooms and meet with CIEL team members, admin team members, and/or faculty at the conclusion of the observation.  These one-hour consultations may consist of discussing the observation, learning more about a topic (object-based learning, emergent curriculum, creating collections, etc.) and/or brainstorming how to incorporate these topics into the group’s setting.  Fees apply.

Groups of ten or more are welcome to observe SEEC classrooms in conjunction with a two-hour workshop.  Fees apply.

The maximum number of visitors that SEEC can accommodate at one time is 25 people.